I'm adding a few more pictures just for fun...and because the internet seems to be working really well right now and who knows when that might happen again! Enjoy!
Getting ready for the second annual Pumpkin Party
My Ninja friends and Shredder too
Saying goodbye to a student whose family had to leave the country
Lots of bad news has probably been filtering your way about this part of the world. Lots has happened this fall and in the midst of lockdowns and packing evac bags, I've found the small blessings that come my way are more precious than ever. Emails and phone calls from people I rarely hear from have encouraged my heart and comforted me. Sunrises and sunsets have brought the spark of beauty and hope, even in the middle of a dark and dirty city. The hospitality of strangers has allowed me to send and recieve mail from home at a time when I was feeling especially isolated and a safe place to visit when I was going stir crazy in our compound cage. When the doors in our lives close and we are walled in and full of fear, somewhere He opens a window...a release...a way to stand up under it.