Friday, November 30, 2007

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving Day here was a special one. In a place like this, its easy to sometimes get caught up in the everyday challenges and forget to lift your eyes and realize all that you've been given. And yet, in a place like this, there is so very much to be thankful for. The reminders are all around, I just forget to take the time to see them. I am thankful for my "family" here and how we have come together as a team and as people from many walks of life for a united purpose. I'm thankful for their company, encouragement and that I get to work alongside them. I'm thankful for little things, like hot water, my 2 new heavy blankets and a package from home. I'm thankful for each of my students and the joy they bring to me each day as I get to see them grow and learn and change. I'm thankful that I've been brought here and been given this task and that I have the assurance of the Promise that will be fulfilled when He comes.

Thanksgiving was also just a plain old fun day. I got up early and had breakfast with a friend before joinging some other teachers to go to the embassy for the 10k and 5k races being held there. I ran in the 5k and, suprisingly enough, placed first in the women's race and won a cool turkey hat. It was a nice morning and I enjoyed spending time with fellow teachers and some other expats that I've met through frisbee or our local fellowship. In the afternoon, we had a big dinner together as a staff with all the typical Thanksgiving food and played cards and watched movies late into the night. A great way to celebrate and time to remember all I have to be thankful for!

Some school and frisbee friends and I at the race

Our school staff that competed in the 5k or 10k

The 5k group

Saturday, November 17, 2007

K-Town Ketchup

Lots to tell, not much time. So pictures will have to speak for me. Enjoy...

Carving pumpkins with my housemates

Another great hike up the mountain

Dressing up for our Pumpkin Party on the 31st followed by our first game of "Packet Wars" in the rose garden.

My kids enjoying Flat Stanley, who is visiting us from East Primary in Sutherlin, OR.

Visiting R's house for Eid (Flat Stanley liked the food!)