Monday, December 31, 2007


I decided to surprise my parents and return to Oregon for Christmas unannounced. It worked and I made it, but it wasn't the surprise I had envisioned. Part way through my journey, I developed an unrelenting stabbing pain in my back that continued until my arrival in Portland and a subsequent trip to the emergency room. As it turned out, the leftovers of a head cold had developed into a nasty case of pneumonia. So when I finally got home, all I could manage was a weak wave to my dad before crashing on the couch, where I remained for 3 or 4 days before I gradually regained some strength. Though my break turned out very different than I had anticipated, I was thankful to be in a warm, comfortable place with easily accessible health care and a mom to make me chicken soup! Plus, our family was together for Christmas, which hasn't happened for a few years and I enjoyed seeing friends who weren't expecting me.

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